Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

02/17/2010-A friend was telling me about taking ACV daily and how it is supposed to be a wonder "drug". So I Googled it and researched it and it just sounds to good to be true. So after some time deliberating (5min) I've decided to try it. I will try to keep everyone posted as I do this.

I will purchase some ACV tomorrow at lunch and start then. I was thinking I would start pretty slow, the recommended recipe is 2 teaspoons per 16 oz. water sipped through out the day. I was thinking on starting with about 2 teaspoons to 50 oz of water due to the size of my water bottle.

This will be an ongoing project until either I get bored or it doesn't work. And hopefully it will be beneficial for me and entertaining to some of you!!!

02/18/2010 DAY 1/2
Well went to the local natural food store today on my lunch break. I got a small bottle of Bragg Apple cider vinegar. I had about half of my large water bottle left and added some to it. It tasted ok I guess, not as bad as I thought so I think I can drink it. After running errands and making back to work on time I had about 1/3 of the bottle left so I refilled it with water and no ACV. By 4pm when I finished work, I had less than a 1/4 left and that was gone by 5.

So far no results, but what would I expect with only half a day invested. I'll try and keep posting daily to log any noticeable differences.

02/18/09 DAY2
Woke up this morning pretty good actually. I really worked hard yesterday and expected to feel it this morning but woke up to very little stiffness and pain. Although I felt a little "laggy" if that makes sense? It almost felt like I couldn't get the pace up. I drank another bottle and a half of water/ACV today. Other than that nothing new to report.

Looking forward to posting more tomorrow.

on some of the benefits of taking ACV.

  • Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
  • Balance high cholesterol
  • Cure skin conditions such as acne
  • Protect against food poisoning
  • Fight allergies in both humans and animals
  • Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Increase stamina
  • Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
  • Improve digestion and cure constipation
  • Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
  • Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections

2/19/2010 Day2
Well ok, I woke to some mad pain. I guess it could be due to the cold (low 60's Hawaii BTW). Either that or it just caught up to me. Been pretty tired last couple days. Not sure if it is the ACV or just tired. I'm still working on todays bottle of "mix". I guess it could be that too. I'm going to try finish this bottle and work on another one later. I was also thinking about changing my regiment over from a day long program to a 3X a day system. I've read 2 tbsp for 8oz, but was thinking maybe 1tbsp in some juice. Either that or reducing my mixture so its easier to drink.

Well I'll keep you guys updated!!!

02/20/2010 DAY3
Took a break from ACV today so nothing new to update.

02/21/2010 DAY4
I took 2tbsp in my juice at breakfast, and another 2 just now (5:20pm). Today was a good day nothing new to post. If I wake up tomorrow not aching I guess its working. I think that I may have not been taking enough, because when I drink less than usual I notice that I ache more. I think I may just take it at meals. Its easier and I think I get better doses.

02/22/2010 Day 5
Been taking it at meals now and its much easier. Also found out that you can't taste it if added to white cherry Poweraide. Worked pretty strenuous today so well see if I'm in pain tomorrow morning.

This blog is going to start slowing down. I'm probably not going to update in much detail unless I notice something. Sorry