Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls in the crockpot (slowcooker)

So I read online that you can do desserts and even bake bread in the crockpot. I figured I would try something similar. I did not want to knead dough or anything, so I got a tube of pre-made grocery store cinnamon rolls and crock potted that.

I got some Pam and sprayed the ceramic pot and put the cinnamon rolls inside of it.

The instructions said that it normally takes a 350 degree oven about 30 minutes to bake. Since this was a crockpot, the high setting would probably hover around the 300 degrees mark. I figure it would probably take a little longer than 30 minutes. In addition, the rolls were put into a cold crockpot, so I compensated for that as well. I put it on high and put the timer on for 1 hour.

This is what they looked like after about 45 minutes of cooking.

After about an hour, they still seemed undercooked so I put it in for another 30 minutes.

After the 1.5 hours mark, I wanted to dry out the rolls. There was condensation on the top of the lid so I wiped it down, cracked open the lid slightly and let it sit on warm for another 10-15 minutes.

The finished product. It was actually overdone a little but I would consider this project pretty successful as I had my doubts at about the 45 minute mark.