Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tortilla dessert

Last week my girlfriend wanted to make spinach rolls. I thought it would be fun (and funny) if I made a similar looking dish that was for dessert. Basically, it should look like a spinach roll, but should taste like an ice cream dessert.

Things I used:
Tortilla rolls
Vanilla Ice Cream
Mint Ice Cream

The first thing I was worried about for this project was the taste of the tortilla with ice cream. I was worried that the starchy, floury (is that a word) feel of the tortilla would not fit well with the ice cream.

I tried to fix that by giving the tortilla some taste. I drizzled it with honey.

After the honey, I thought it would still need a little more. I added butter and a little sugar and I zapped it in the microwave for about 20 seconds.

I put a layer of ice cream on the tortilla. It was kind of soft so it was hard to work with. I threw it back in the freezer to set up.

Next, I chopped up some cherries and put them on the ice cream. This would simulate the bacon bits that are in the spinach rolls. The ice cream started to melt again so I placed it in the freezer again.

The next thing I did was add mint ice cream. This was supposed to give the green color to the roll that would look like spinach. It was waaaay to light colored. I placed it back in the freezer for a few more minutes again.

Finally, I rolled it up and freezed it for a little longer. I took it out after about an hour and I cut it up to look like spinach rolls. As you can see, it looks more like egg sushi than spinach.
The taste was pretty good with this dish. The tortilla was a non-issue in regards to a weird texture or taste. It actually complemented well. It would be a good hot dish if you wanted to try it that way. You could blast it in the oven before serving for a few seconds.

The look was good enough to fool my nephew though. He refused to eat it. I even told him it was ice cream and he didn't want any. I guess that made it partially a success as I was hoping to trick him into thinking it was spinach.

All in all, I would consider this project a semi-success. The taste was pretty good but the look bombed. I would probably use green colored coconut shreds next time.