Sunday, November 7, 2010

Making a mixed tape 2010 style

So I recently had to make a mixed tape for a special someone.

For those of you who are too young to know what a mixed tape was, my generation used to make a compilation of songs for special occassions (birthdays, valentines days, anniversaries) and record them on cassette tapes.

What are cassette tapes you ask?
Well they were a recording media similar to Betamax tapes that you could record audio to.

What are Betamax tapes you ask?
Well they were a video recording media similar to VHS tapes but were smaller in size and were backed by Sony.

What are VHS tapes you ask?
They are similar to DVD's...

So the first thing I had to do was get the recording media (the mixed tape). This is a special long format mixed tape. It can fit hundreds of songs and it is slightly smaller than your average cassette tape.

Next thing was to compile the music and record it on the tape. Use stuff that really captures the moment. Like if you are doing a valentines day mixed tape, you can put really romantic songs like (Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley, or MMMBop - Hansen).

Insert your mixed tape and start recording.

When it is done recording, place it in its case. In my case, there was that black section that I had to remove to make the mixed tape fit.

Close it up, add a letter if you can fit it in the case, and give it to that special someone.