Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pancake Cupcakes

I recently went to the supermarket and I saw pancakes sitting nearby the cupcake area. I immediately thought... "I wonder why no one makes pancake cupcakes?"

So I bought the pancake mix and brought it home.

I mixed the pancake batter according to the instructions on the box. I added about a cup of maple syrup to the mix and started making bacon.

I then fried the bacon up.
I added the bacon to the pancake batter.
Next, I put the batter into cupcake cups.
I baked the cupcakes for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees.

Here is the finished product. I was hoping it would look more like pancakes. The first bite I took wasn't "pancakey" enough so I put maple syrup over the top of the cupcake.
You can see the bacon at the bottom of the cupcake. It didn't taste enough like pancakes for me. I think next time, I am gonna make a thicker batter and add a bunch more syrup.
When I do this again, I am planning to add the bacon after about a minute of baking. (The bacon settled to the bottom of the cupcake.) Also, a little bit of maple syrup will be added at the same time as the bacon. Will let you know how the next incarnation of pancake cupcakes comes out.