Monday, November 28, 2011

Paperwhite Flowers (edit 1/13/2011)

This is going to be a short project. But hopefully it will be a productive one.
We recently bought a Paperwhite Narcissus kit. It comes with almost everything you need to grow flowers such as a pot, soil, and flower bulbs.

The kit comes with potting material. It is dehydrated so you gotta put it in water. We placed the dehydrated material in the provided pot and put some water in the pot. After a few seconds, we had a pot of potting material.

We took one of the flower bulbs and placed it in a separate container, filled it with the potting material and added a little bit of water to it.

The rest of the bulbs, we placed in the provided pot, covered it with the potting soil, added a little bit of water and placed it on our balcony. Hopefully we will have some flowers to post here in a few weeks!

12/19/2011 - Yay! It is growing!

1/13/2012 - A little late but a week or so after the previous update, we got full on flowers!
And these are about a week after that.