Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Won Ton Pizza

I had some Won Ton wrappers in my refrigerator and I wanted to use them.  Of course, I didn't want to make regular Won Ton.

So....  WON TON PIZZA it is!

First, I brought the Won Ton wrappers to room temperature.  While I was waiting, I cooked some chicken and some smoked pork I had left over in my freezer and mixed them together.

After the wrappers were at room temperature they were placed on the grill.

I added cheese and my chicken/pork mixture that was made earlier.

It was then cooked at 350 for a few minutes in our trusty convection air oven.  It was done when the wrapper was a golden brown.  

(When I did my first batch, I placed foil on the grill but the bottom of the wrapper didn't cook well.  So I took the foil off and it cooked more evently.)

Here is the finished product.  I was low on cheese so if I were to do it again, I would add a lot more cheese to it.