Quick post - Just did a quick Hello World! for VS.
1. Signed up online for Microsoft Visual Studios and downloaded the Visual Studios Express 2013 edition.
2. Installed the software - It had .Net dependencies so be prepared for possible extra stuff to install on your machine.
3. Created a new project and took all of the defaults.
4. Clicked Toolbox and dragged the button icon onto the Main Window.
5. Double clicked the button you just dragged into the Main Window and the Button_Click code comes up.
6. Typed the following text above the "End Sub" line:
MessageBox.Show("Hello World!")
7. Clicked Debug - Start Without Debugging.
8. The Main Window will appear - Clicked the button and a popup comes up telling me....
Hello World!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Hello World - Visual Studios
Hello World,
Visual Basic,
Visual Studios 2013,